Ceremonial Journey of Baja California

Spiritual journeys have long been an ancient tradition of the native pueblos of this continent. The journeys are an essential part of life because they strengthen the solidarity among Indigenous Peoples as well as their traditions and culture. Just as well it creates an awareness of the need to reestablish a respectful connection with Mother Earth.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Required equipment and supplies

  • Three large vehicles or pickup trucks- one will transport medicine, bags, food, blankets, injured runners and elder people who wish to support the journey. The second vehicle will let down the runners for the turns to come and the third will pick up the runners finished with their turn.
  • Gasoline- to cover the three vehicles for the journey (it is important to note that on some occasions a vehicle might trace the same path more than once in order to pick up lost runners, to buy water etc.) .
  • Food supply for the runners-It is important to assure at least two meals be provided per day for the runners.
  • Food supply for ceremonial events fulfilled at each community-there will be several occasions where the communities will not be able to supply meals for the runners because they don’t have the resources and it is essential that there be enough food to share with the community and the runners and supporters.
  • First aid kit- We need to have a first aid kit in case of emergencies including the following products: bandages, ointments, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, band aids, anti-diarrheal, head ache and stomach ache medication.
  • Transportation for six indigenous representatives from Sonora- they will help support and guide the journey.
  • Funds for printing posters and flyers.
  • Telephone cards for cellular and public telephones. – These are needed to have a constant contact with the organizing groups of the cities of Tecate, Mexicali, and Ensenada in order to plan, organize and carry through the run.
  • Radio equipment for the vehicles to keep communicated.
  • Volunteers who will transport food supplies and will set up the places where the runners arrive.