Ceremonial Journey of Baja California

Spiritual journeys have long been an ancient tradition of the native pueblos of this continent. The journeys are an essential part of life because they strengthen the solidarity among Indigenous Peoples as well as their traditions and culture. Just as well it creates an awareness of the need to reestablish a respectful connection with Mother Earth.

Friday, October 28, 2005



It requires great responsibility and organization to accomplish an assignment of this size. It is necessary to act according to a well structured plan with delineated time lines and well structured tasks in order to allow sufficient attention to each procedure avoiding unnecessary decisions. In this way can reasonable objectives be presented which can later be evaluated be reached.

The following are the objectives the ‘Journey for Native Dignity’ wishes to accomplish:

1. Strengthen the bonds and communication between the indigenous communities of Baja California

2. Achieve a greater understanding of each native community and their current needs.

3. Make known in a public manner, the current needs of the native communities through the media at the regional, domestic and if possible international levels.

4. Learn and promote the culture and cosmovisions of the indigenous people of Baja California as well their application of their traditional law or “Usos y Costumbres.”

5. Honor the indigenous authorities, healers, warriors, educators, artists, elders, women, children and men of the native communities.

6. Make known the causes and impact of environmental pollution on the land and the effects on the indigenous people.

7. Encourage the traditional ceremonial practices of the indigenous communities.

8. Bridge urban solidarity with the indigenous communities.

9. Spread and promote human, cultural, national and international rights of the indigenous peoples of Baja California

10. Reactivate ceremonial centers and move their energy through offerings and sacred ceremonies.

11. Publicly acknowledge and thank all organizations and individuals who aid the indigenous peoples in their fight against oppression, discrimination and poverty.


1. Organize informative meetings that encourage a reflection on the importance of rescuing and strengthening indigenous knowledge and culture both in the native communities and cities.

2. Go through the entire route of 1,000 kilometers in the form of a circle leaving Tijuana, passing through the native communities in the areas of Tecate, Mexicali, Ensenada and ending the journey back in Tijuana. The journey will take 13 days to accomplish.

3. Contact and include in this journey non governmental organization and individuals interested in defending and promoting indigenous rights, territories, natural resources, and culture.

4. Raise awareness about the sacred life knowledge and values ever-present in indigenous communities as well as spread awareness of history as seen through native people’s eyes.

5. Share dances and songs among the different indigenous communities.